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Catering to your home or cottage
Catering to your home or cottage

Catering and parties

When it’s time for a celebration event for you and your friends and family, we will see to it that both the setting and the catering is in perfect order! We organize events at Restaurant Talonpöytä or at other venues of your choice.

Events at Kuusamo

Restaurant Talonpöytä Joukamontie seats up to 100 customers. There are two separate rooms at the customers’ disposal. The larger one is a 60-70 seat dining room and the smaller one is a cabinet with seats for 20-30 people, depending on the type of event. Both rooms can easily be combined into a roomy hall for larger gatherings. We will take care of the decorations for your party or event. The restaurant is licenced to serve alcohol.

At Kirkkotie our cabinets Kuikka and Riekko can be booked for smaller events. They seat 6-14 customers.
There is buffet service at events and we also provide table service, if necessary. Our facilities include all necessary AV equipment.

Events at Ruka

Rukalla toimimme tilauksesta Kontioluolassa ja Iisakin talossa tarjoten kokous- ja juhlatilaisuuksia jopa 150 hengelle, sekä catering -palveluja mökeille.

Kontioluola kätkee sisälleen upeat ja hulppeat tilat illanvietoille, juhlille, pikkujouluille tai vaikka hääjuhlille. Istumapaikkoja ravintolasta löytyy jopa 150 henkilölle, mutta 50 henkilön ryhmätkin viihtyvät oikein hyvin, eikä tila tunnu liian suurelta.

Vanhan ajan tunnelmaa huokuvassa Iisakin talossa on asiakaspaikkoja jopa 50 henkilölle. Iisakin talossa vietät ikimuistoisen juhlat tai kokoukset ainutlaatuisessa tunnelmassa.

You are welcome to visit the facilities at Talonpöytä and see our menus. We are happy to help you plan a nice event for your party.


Brighten up your day with delicious local food and quality service. We will bring the desired menu together with a complete cook and waiter service at your home, summer cottage, or other location.

There is also an option that we will bring ready-to-serve food to your home, summer cottage or other location. You can order breakfasts, lunches, dinners, suppers, cakes and other bakery products from us.


For more information please call
0400 263 272, or send us e-mail